Bộ điều khiển lập trình PLC Omron CP1H-XA40DR-A (24 In-16 Out)


Bộ điều khiển lập trình PLC Omron CP1H-XA40DR-A (24 In-16 Out)

Mã sản phẩm: CP1H-XA40DR-A
Hãng sản xuất: Omron
Công nghệ: Nhật Bản
Chất lượng: Mới 100%
Bảo hành: Chính hãng

Dịch vụ kèm theo:
✓ Lập trình & Sửa chữa PLC Omron theo yêu cầu
✓ Lắp đặt & vận hành tận nơi
✓ Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật trọn đời
  • CP1H-XA40DR-A
  • 155
  • 14.659.000đ
  • Báo giá
Tên sản phẩm Bộ điều khiển CP1H-XA40DR-A Omron
Số ngõ vào, ra 24 ngõ vào và 16 ngõ ra
Nguồn cấp 100-240VAC
Kiểu ngõ ra Relay output
Tốc độ thực hiện lệnh Lệnh cơ bản: 0.01µs; Lệnh đặc biệt: 0.15µs
Bộ nhớ chương trình 20Ksteps
Bộ đếm tốc độ cao 100 kHz (single-phase), 50 kHz (differential phases), 4 axes
Ngõ ra xung tốc độ cao 100 kHz for 4 axes
Cổng truyền thông Trang bị sẵn cổng USB, chọn lựa thêm RS232C, RS422/RS485
Ngõ vào Analog 4
Ngõ ra Anaglog 2
Có thể gắn thêm 7 bộ mở rộng CPM1 và 2 bộ mở rộng CJ1W
Chức năng Thời gian thực (Clock)
Nhiệt độ làm việc 0~55oC
Tiêu chuẩn IEC 61000; JIS C0040; JIS C0041

Omron CP1H

SKUĐiện áp ngõ vàoNgõ vàoNgõ ra
CP1H-Y20DT-D24VDC12 Input DC8 Output relay
CP1H-X40DR-A100-240V24 Input DC16 Output relay
CP1H-XA40DR-A100-240V24 Input DC16 Output relay
CP1H-X40DT-D24VDC24 Input DC16 Output transistor
CP1H-X40DT1-D24VDC24 Input DC16 Output transistor
CP1H-XA40DT-D24VDC24 Input DC16 Output transistor
CP1H-XA40DT1-D24VDC24 Input DC16 Output transistor

Download tài liệu PLC Omron CP1H Series

► Catalogue PLC Omron CP1H Series

Module mở rộng

ModuleMô tả
Digital Module
CP1W-8EDModule digital, 8 Input DC
CP1W-8ERModule digital, 8 Output Relay
CP1W-16ERModule digital, 16 Output Relay
CP1W-32ERModule digital, 32 Output Relay
CP1W-20EDR1Module digital, 12 Input DC / 8 Output Relay
CP1W-40EDRModule digital, 24 Input DC / 16 Output Relay
Analog, Temperature Module
CP1W-AD041Module analog 4 Input
CP1W-DA021Module analog 2 Input
CP1W-DA041Module analog 4 Output
CP1W-MAD11Module analog 2 Input - 1 Output
CP1W-MAD42Module analog 4 Input - 2 Output
CP1W-MAD44Module analog 4 Input - 4 Output
CP1W-TS001Module nhiệt độ Thermocoup Input, 2 kênh
CP1W-TS002Module nhiệt độ Thermocoup Input, 4 kênh
CP1W-TS101Module nhiệt độ Pt100 input, 2 kênh
CP1W-TS102Module nhiệt độ Pt100 Input, 4 kênh
Other Module
CP1W-CIF01Module truyền thông RS-232
CP1W-CIF11Module truyền thông RS-422/485 (50m)
CP1W-CIF12Module truyền thông RS-422/485 (500m)
CP1W-CIF41Module truyền thông Ethernet TCP/IP
CP1W-SRT21Module truyền thông CompoBus/S slave 8 inputs and 8 outputs
CP1W-CN811Cáp nối Module mở rộng
CP1W-BAT01Nguồn nuôi bộ nhớ dự phòng
CJ Unit AdapterAdapter for connecting CJ-series Special I/O Units
and CPU Bus Units (includes CJ-series End Cover
and 2 End Plates)
Analog Input
4 inputs (1 to 5 V (1/10,000), 0 to 10 V (1/20,000),
-5 to 5 V (1/20,000), -10 to 10 V (1/40,000), and 4
to 20 mA (1/10,000))
Conversion Period: 20 μs/1 point, 25 μs/2 points,
30 μs/3 points, 35 μs/4 points
8 inputs (1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V,
4 to 20 mA)
Resolution: 1/8,000, Conversion speed: 250 μs/
input max.
(Can be set to 1/4,000 resolution and 1 ms/input.)
4 inputs (1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V,
4 to 20 mA)
Resolution: 1/8,000, Conversion speed: 250 μs/
input max.
(Can be set to 1/4,000 resolution and 1 ms/input.)
Analog Output
4 outputs (1 to 5 V (1/10,000), 0 to 10 V (1/20,000),
and -10 to 10 V (1/40,000)
Conversion Period: 20 μs/1 point, 25 μs/2 points,
30 μs/3 points, 35 μs/4 points
8 outputs (1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V)
Resolution: 1/4,000; Conversion speed: 1 ms/output
(Can be set to 1/8000, 250 μs/output.)
8 outputs (4 to 20 mA)
Resolution: 1/4,000; Conversion speed: 1 ms/output
(Can be set to 1/8,000, 250 μs/ output.)
4 outputs (1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V,
4 to 20 mA)
Resolution: 1/4,000, Conversion speed: 1ms/point
2 outputs (1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V,
4 to 20 mA)
Resolution: 1/4,000, Conversion speed: 1ms/point
Analog I/O Unit4 inputs, 2 outputs (1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V,
-10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA)
Resolution: 1/4000; Conversion speed: 1 ms/point
(Can be set to 1/8,000, 500 μs/point.)
Process Input
4 fully universal inputs: Pt100 (3-wire), JPt100 (3-
wire), Pt1000 (3-wire), Pt100 (4 wire), K, J, T, E, L,
U, N, R, S, B, WRe5-26, PLII, 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA,
1 to 5 V, 0 to 1.25 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, ±100-mV
selectable range, -1.25 to 1.25 V, -5 to 5 V, -10 to
10 V, ±10-V selectable range
Potentiometer resolution/conversion speed:
1/256,000 (conversion cycle: 60 ms/4 points),
1/64,000 (conversion cycle: 10 ms/4 points),
1/16,000 (conversion cycle: 5 ms/4 points)
CJ1W-PH41U *
4 fully universal inputs: Pt100, JPt100, Pt1000, K, J,
T, L, R, S, B, 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, 0 to
5 V, 0 to 10 V
Conversion speed: 250 ms/4 points
4 inputs, B, J, K, L, R, S, T; Conversion speed: 250
ms/4 inputs
4 inputs, Pt100 Ω (JIS, IEC), JPt100 Ω, Conversion
speed: 250 ms/4 inputs
2 inputs, B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, W, Re5-26, PL
±100 mV,
Resolution: 1/64,000; Conversion speed: 10 ms/2
2 inputs, 0 to 1.25 V, -1.25 to 1.25 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to
5 V, -5 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, ±10-V
selectable range, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA
Control Units
4 loops, thermocouple input, NPN outputCJ1W-TC001
4 loops, thermocouple input, PNP outputCJ1W-TC002
2 loops, thermocouple input, NPN output, heater
burnout detection function
2 loops, thermocouple input, PNP output, heater
burnout detection function
4 loops, platinum resistance thermometer input,
NPN output
4 loops, platinum resistance thermometer input,
PNP output
2 loops, platinum resistance thermometer input,
NPN output, heater burnout detection function
2 loops, platinum resistance thermometer input,
PNP output, heater burnout detection function
Counter Unit
2 inputs, max. input frequency: 500 kppsCJ1W-CT021
Position Control
Pulse train, open collector output, 1 axisCJ1W-NC113
Pulse train, open collector output, 2 axesCJ1W-NC213
Pulse train, open collector output, 4 axesCJ1W-NC413
Pulse train, line driver output, 1 axisCJ1W-NC133
Pulse train, line driver output, 2 axesCJ1W-NC233
Pulse train, line driver output, 4 axesCJ1W-NC433
Space Unit---CJ1W-SP001
ID Sensor UnitsFor V680 Series, 1 R/W HeadCJ1W-V680C11
For V680 Series, 2 R/W HeadsCJ1W-V680C12
For V600 Series, 1 R/W HeadCJ1W-V600C11
For V600 Series, 2 R/W HeadsCJ1W-V600C12
CompoNet Master
Word slaves: 2,048 points, Bit slaves: 512 pointsCJ1W-CRM21
Master Unit
CompoBus/S remote I/O, 256 points max.CJ1W-SRM21
Controller Link
Wired (shielded twisted-pair cable)CJ1W-CLK23
1 RS-232C port and 1 RS-422A/485 portCJ1W-SCU42
2 RS-232C portsCJ1W-SCU22
2 RS-422A/485 portsCJ1W-SCU32
1 RS-232C port and 1 RS-422A/485 portCJ1W-SCU41-V1
2 RS-232C portsCJ1W-SCU21-V1
2 RS-422A/485 portsCJ1W-SCU31-V1
EtherNet/IP UnitShielded twisted-pair cable (STP), category 5 or 5e
or higher Tag data links and message
communications supported
Ethernet Unit100Base-TXCJ1W-ETN21
DeviceNetTM UnitFunctions as master and/or slave; allows control of
32,000 points max. per master
MECHATROLINK-II Position Control Unit2 axesCJ1W-NC271
4 axesCJ1W-NC471
16 axesCJ1W-NCF71
16 axesCJ1W-NCF71-MA
Fl-net Unit100Base-TXCJ1W-FLN22
SPUHigh-speed Data Storage UnitCJ1W-SPU01-V2

Thông tin bổ sung

Thương hiệu


Thời gian bảo hành

1 Năm

Điện áp ngõ vào

110V, 220V

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PLC Omron CP1H

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